Wednesday, November 4, 2009

so lets talk about soundgarden

Soudgarden is the best record store in the city. hands down. They have a great selection and great prices.

Ever wonder why?

It's because it's all stolen property. I suppose they actually pay wholesale for some of it, but mostly it's just stolen.

Junkies and hustlers steal from Barnes and noble, take the prices off and sell stacks of the latest CDs and movies to soundgarden at $2 per each. The rest comes in shipments from the other store in Syracuse, which ships stolen CDs and DVDs to the baltimore store on a regular basis. A $2 CD + 400% markup is $9.99 - the standard price for a CD in the store.

It's great - the product is in perfect condition. Every once in a while they even forget to take off the B&N label, and it still costs half of what you would pay for the product from a real retailer.

Surprised - You can always go to fletchers (which Brian also owns) and buy cocaine from the guy working the door.

I'm a pretty god hustler myself - I've gotten over more times then most, but at some point people like me should go to jail. The problem with baltimore is that if you put us all in jail, there wouldn't be anyone left.

1 comment:

  1. While I certainly can't disprove your claim, I'd be interested in knowing what your source is. Frankly, most of the CDs I buy at Soundgarden are from bands that you'll never find in any major chain (B&N, Best Buy, etc). So then, are people breaking into the warehouses of various indie labels and looting them? I doubt it.

    Also, what exactly is the point of your post? I don't see any proposal of a solution, just a random stab at a local music store. What do you think Soundgarden should do about it? It's not like their business model is THAT unique... small music stores have been buying & reselling used CDs for years. Are you saying you can identify the same group of "junkies and hustlers" who are continually pawning CDs? If that's the case, Soundgarden could probably blacklist certain people. But why does your criticism end with one party? Why not criticize larger chains for not cracking down on theft? Why not call the police and report a crime for which you obviously know the intimate details?

    There's a thin line between having a blog where you point out relevant neighborhood/societal issues and having a blog where you whine about pointless drivel. I'm not accusing you of pointless drivel just yet, but your claim is seriously lacking any real credibility. If you know more, you should write more.
